How I healed a rash caused by product reaction

A few days ago I had a terrible reaction to a cleansing balm (pictured below). Within 10mins of using it my face got covered in hives, I couldn't take photos because it happened at night, there was no light, and I took a antihistamine and proceeded with a calming gentle skincare routine and was much better the next day. 


REVIEW Ren Rosa Centifolia Cleansing Gel

This Rosa Centifolia Cleansing Gel (£11.20) by Ren was the first cleansing gel I bought when I decided to discard all the sulfates from my skincare routine (I've thrown away all the products I had that contained this substance). I chose REN exactly for their more clean choice of ingredients. 


REVIEW Nourish Balance Nutritious Peptide Serum

I'm definitely a serum kinda' gal. I see the serum as the lingerie of our skincare routine and like I would never get dressed without underwear, I would never wear a cream without a serum first and this Balancing Serum by Nourish as been a favorite of mine since I started to use it. 


Why you should be putting oils on yo' face

In this day and age I find it really hard to believe that there's brands out that tell people not to put oil on their faces, particularly if they have oily skin! I mean c'mon people!!!

In order to be healthy all skin types, including oily, need a balance of water and oil and the right oil can be especially beneficial oily skin as it balances the oil production. You fight fire with fire, if you give your skin the oils it needs, it won't need to produce as much sebum. Most people think they have oily skin but what they have is unbalanced skin that is dehydrated and so it produces more oil to try and balance itself.

REVIEW Yes To Carrots Scalp Relief Shampoo

Apologies for not using an image of my actual product but it's so dark in my flat right now that all pictures come out horrible.

A little while ago I discovered I suffer from chronic scalp eczema, which very painful, itchy and look shorrible. If I'm having a really bag flare up (as I am at the moment) I can't wear any black clothes or they will be full of scales in a matter of hours after washing my hair. 

I've tried a different million shampoos and when I saw this sulfate-free shampoo, promising to relief my irritated scalp in 8 days, at Boots, I didn't hesitate to give it a go.

SWACTHES Nyx Ultimate Shadow Palette - Warm Neutrals

I got my eye on this palette ever since Jamie Page spoke about it on this video with exact dupes for every shadow on the Kyshadow Burgundy Palette. I have far too many eye shadows to justify buying the Kyshadow palette but this Nyx palette seemed to have close enough shades so I went ahead and got it. 


REVIEW Lush Ultrabland Facial Cleanser

It has been a long time since I last wrote here but life has been tough and I had to get grips with myself before I could sit down, have a cup of tea and actually write about something and that finally came. I have a lot of catching up to do so stay tune for my latest skincare/makeup updates. 

Today I'm reviewing the Lush Ultrabland Facial Cleanser. 

REWIEW Kueshi Revitalizing Toner

[ PT / ENG ]

Sei que há pessoas que não acreditam em tónicos mas eu acredito e adoro um bom tónico, quer seja ele exfoliante, hidratante, revitalizante, etc, etc. Mas nem todos os tónicos foram criados da mesma maneira por isso tinha que haver um que eu não gostasse e calhou a este Tónico Revitalizante da Kueshi que veio com uma Glossybox, usei-o meia dúzia de vezes para perceber que não era para mim e só andou cá em casa tanto tempo para poder fazer review e finalmente pode deitá-lo fora. 

REVIEW Spiezia Organics Rose & Vanilla Face Oil

[ PT / ENG ]

Quem me conhece sabe que o meu produto preferido são os óleos. Óleos de limpeza, óleos de rosto, de cabelo, de banho, sinto que a minha pele fica sempre realmente mimada quando os uso. Hoje trago-vos os Rose & Vanilla Face Oil da Spiezia Organics*: "Um óleo de dia que promete regular a produção de sebo e proteger a pele das agressões externas e da maquilhagem". 

Evening Skincare Routine

I have a very strict skincare routine because I think it's the first step for perfect-glowing skin. My routine changes all the time as I adjust it daily to my skin's needs. At the moment my skin is feeling very tight and dehydrated and this is what I have been using AFTER removing my makeup: 

REVIEW PHB Brightening Face Mask*

What is it:
PHB’s brightening face mask is handcradted with Galbanum & Rice Oil to provide a balanced, brighter and more even complexion. Made using carefully combined organic oils & active botanicals which are treasured for their ability to support fresh, vibrant and healthy looking skin.

EMPTIES #5 Serums

Prometo que os posts de empties estão quase a terminar, só falta mais um!! :) Hoje venho falar de seruns.

© Vanessa Almeida. All rights reserved.