HOW TO Recycle Beauty Packaging

Since the booming of the plastic industry, around the 1950's, an astonishing 9.2 billion tons of plastic have been produced. 6.9 billion tons have become waste and of those 6.3 billion tons were not recycled. It is hard to know exactly how much has ended up in the ocean but it is estimated that 14 million tons of plastic are dumped in coastal regions EACH YEAR. Let that sink in for a moment.

Beauty Empties and How To recycle them

I have the biggest amount of empties that I have been collecting for nearly a year to show you but I always seem to forget but I have recently trying to declutter my home and my life and that includes getting rid of all this trash so I'll be posting 10 empties every week :) For each empties post I'll be also showing how to recycle all this packaging!
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