HOW TO: Wear Bright Pink Lipstick


Not every makeup looks good when you're wearing a pink lipstick, here are a few tips to look wear this type of color without looking like you're going to the Venice Carnival:

* Apply 3 coats of your favorite black mascara
* Sculpt your face with a mate bronzer, you want to avoid shimmer with these lipstick colors at all costs
* Fill in your brows for a framed look
* Rock that bright pink lip

What's your favorite bright lipstick? 

Nem toda a maquilhagem fica bem com um batom rosa vibrante, para o conseguirem usar sem parecer que vão para o Carnaval de Veneza basta: 

Aplicar 3 camadas de uma máscara de pestanas bem preta, para definir bem as pestanas
* Definir as bochechas com um bronzer matte (evitem brilhos a todo o custo com estas cores)
* Preencher as sobrancelhas com uma sombra que seja um tom abaixo da vossa cor de sobrancelhas natural 
* Rock that bright pink lipstick!

Qual o vosso batom rosa vivo preferido? 


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