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Para conseguirem uma pele luminosa sem parecer que acabaram de fritar batatas na testa basta:
1º - Usar um hidratante em gel - os hidratantes em gel têm uma forte componente de água, hidratam em profundidade sem pesar na pele e ainda a deixam com um aspecto bastante luminoso.
2º - Aplicar uma base com acabamento mate
3º - Aplicar um pó ilumiador nos pontos altos do rosto (nariz, bochechas, etc)
To achieve this luminous perfect skin without looking like you're about to fry an egg on your forehead:
1st - Use a gel moisturizer as they are formulated with loads of water to deeply hydrate your complexion without heavying it down, also they give you a nice healthy glow
2nd - Apply a mate foundation
3rd - Apply an iluminizing light powder to the top of your nise and cheeks
To achieve this luminous perfect skin without looking like you're about to fry an egg on your forehead:
1st - Use a gel moisturizer as they are formulated with loads of water to deeply hydrate your complexion without heavying it down, also they give you a nice healthy glow
2nd - Apply a mate foundation
3rd - Apply an iluminizing light powder to the top of your nise and cheeks
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